Thursday, November 29, 2018

Narcissistic Abuse Causes Brain Damage?

If someone strikes you - they are being physically abusive. If someone screams obsenities at you while foaming at the mouth - they are verbally abusive.  If someone purposely forces you to live in poverty, on a stipend of barely existing - they are financially abusive - among other things.

 There are some forms of abuse that are so easy to notice - while others are often like carbon monoxide - odorless, tasteless, flying under the radar yet deadly.

Narcissistic abuse is one of the worst types of psychological abuse that one person can do to another, not only are they creating emotional damage with scars that run deeper than most can imagine, but on top of it - it can be considered physical abuse because of the brain damage that victims of narcissistic abuse undergo.

Has your brain been affected by this brain damage?

Did you at one time in your life have a great memory, and now have difficulty remembering things that happened just yesterday or last week?

Were you extremely intelligent, yet now find learning new things quite difficult?

Have you gone from being a a happy, passionate person to one that feels as if you are existing rather than living, with no enjoyment in life?

Have you gone from a calm demeanor to one stuck in anxiety?

Are you easily triggered and thrown into fight, flight, fear or fawn?

Are you developing out of control fears that are creating anxieties and phobias in your every day life?

If you answered yes to the questions above, there is a good chance that due to narcissistic abuse you have experienced damage to your brain - two specific areas of the brain - the hippocampus and the amygdala.
Yes, the emotional and psychological distress of being in a long term relationship with a person that cares very little about your well being; with a person who enjoys destroying your well being, better yet -is only the surface damage that is being experienced.

However, there is a physical aspect of brain damage involved - when a person is suffering consistent, coercive, emotional abuse - victims experience a shrinking of the hippocampus and a swelling of the amygdala; both cause devastating effects. 

The hippocampus is vital to our learning and developijnjg memories. Many victims of narcissistic abuse claim that their abilitiy to remember is not what it used to be. Hippocampus is the greek word for "seahorse" and it's the part of the brain hidden inside each temporal lobe, shaped distinctly like two seahorses. One of it's most important functions is that it's responsible for our short-term memory, which is vital to learning. Information first gets stored in short-term memory before it can be converted to permanent memory - without this part of the brain working - we are unable to learn and store new information. 

Not only is our memory affected by the shrinking of the hippocampus, but there is a strict correlation between high levels of cortisol (a hormone caused by stress) and the shrinking of the hippocampus.

As the hippocampus shrinks, another part of the brain is affected by the emotional abuse, the amygdala does the opposite - it grows in size.
The amygdala is where negative emotions like shame, guilt, fear, and envy come to life.

The amygdala controls our primal emotions and functions such as fear, hate as well as regulating our heart rate and breathing. When triggered, the amygdala is where our trauma response get activated - fight, flight, freeze, fawn. 

Narcissists never allow their victims to relax, rather they keep them in a heightened state of anxiety where their amygdala is constantly on alert. When this trauma response becomes our everyday mental state of mind, eventually victims are stuck in a permanent state of anxiety or fear, with the amygdala hypervigilant to the slightest signs of abuse.

The sad part is, even after escaping destructive relationships, victims suffer with phobias, panic attacks, C-PTSD all due to the enlarged amygdala

The narcissists create an external cycle of abuse by their push and pull, intermittent love and hate - and the abuse cycle is mirrored within our own bodies. 

The body releases cortisol when under stress, the cortisol damages the hippocampus thereby shrinking it by attacking the neurons in the hippocampus. The amygdala is stimulated by the cortisol, with turns our thoughts and nerual activity from increasing mental acuity to worrying and stressing.
When this is done over and over, repeatedly, our brain activity is pushed "beyone its zones of effectiveness."

For those that reason - "The abuse is not constant or it's not so bad, others have it worse." - Remember, extended durations of average stress can be just as damaging if not worse than short-term extreme stress. Even if a narcissistic abuser never takes it “too far”, it could definitely still be causing destruction to your brain.


  1. Thanks, Michele, This makes so much sense. I used to be able to remember names, but maybe not faces and once married, can’t remember either even when I’ve just met them at a function, and I know I’m always stressed meeting new people. I had always put that down to once I had kids, my brain went out the window! Stress of having kids and marriage?

  2. Hi Michele ,your videos helped me a lot but I'm still recovering from 18 years of narcissistic abuse, is there any other way I can contact you ,I live in N.Y. ,I still need help, my narc is stalking me ,turning the kids against me any way he can ,trying to hover me throughout the kids and much more ,I would really appreciate if you can contact me in private, thank you

  3. Wow. Such a shock to be reading this. So informative and it explains so much why my health is in the toilet...

  4. This is Soo informative. I believe I have been in a narcissistic relationship for most of my life. But now my Son who is married to a Narcissist is really in a fight for his sanity at this date. He had separated from her and she is Relentless with him!! I cant wait to get this information to him so he can protect himself and his 2 children. I am going to continue to follow you and also get the Pdf. When the Devil is the Defendent. My Son will need all the resources he can get..By the way I am Healing from my experiences now due to other emotional problems I have had.. Either way. I Love Myself and I'm learning that it's ok to take care of my needs. Thank you and God Bless You for wanting to help others , I hope to help people in some way through my experiences with Emotional, Spiritual, Physical and Sexual Abuse. Also the Narcissistic relationship that I'm now realizing.

  5. Need coaching from you Michelle. My hubby is a covert narc. We've been married 14 yrs and we have 2 children 21 and 14.Im about to lose my mind.

  6. Where to start to help adult daughter who is in emotional pain every day. Religiously hijacked and believes that only God can take it away somebOdy is punishing her. This is the area we cannot break through. Appointment has been made for consult to do TMS..However I will print this information for the psychiatrist .She definitely has signs of the brain damage as in article . She is a special ed teacher but cannot function. I believe that her co dependency is preventing her from leaving. She is not truthful with her therapist.

  7. OK its all coming god..I can't go shopping alone. Because the narc never let me go with her..always cheating doing something some kind of angles she would run.Michelle... Mam...please help me I have no money for your books she cleaned out are joint account.. I was foold. God help me I lost me..don't even no what's up are down..I'm a mess in California.. God help me.. She is stalking me...called police.. They basically said good me please your talks. Video.. First one I no imnnot crazy

  8. This is me. I cannot remember anything. I cannot function. I feel like I'm in a fog all the time. I'm paranoid now that I'll meet another narcissist. I'm afraid to live basically. I used to be full of joy. Now I can barely function. I'm so in need of help. Will my brain ever heal?

  9. I genuinely need help. I am a shell of what I was. Beaten. Discarded, left for dead.
    I was in a accident that left me less of who I was. My husband gave me away to my brother.
    I've been in therapy which one of them figured out I was with a narcissist I have a permanent impairment. The head games are worse when you cannot defend yourself because of cognitive problems. I'm left alone he gives no money insults leads me on... If it were not for my child I think I would have blown my head off to show him the pain. Like he would care I'm in Michigan alone. I'm lost. If there is a good or a future please someone send me help.

  10. I'm not really sure how many people even see this blog or if anyone can help me but I know that I am right and I know that I'm still someone but even after 6 months of separation he kept leading me on like we're going to talk this weekend we're going to talk this weekend but then something comes up and he can't and I get my hopes up and then they get crushed and now he told me he'll meet me on Friday but he told me it's not right or fair that he pays for me and I should bring my own money even though we're married because I shouldn't be depending on him for things if we're separated but he's the same person that gave me away to my mother and my brother when I got in a car accident he didn't want to be bothered he never came to 1 doctor appointment where my family came to all of them why does this man have such a hold on me and why does he feel so less than of a person I am

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